為了為客戶提供更好的服務,NI 與世界各地的經銷商合作,為客戶與各領域的專家建立連結,以利專家協助客戶選擇最適合的產品。
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Information | Website | Language(s) | |
United States | Testforce US | 1 (888) 880-6804 X7811 | nisales@testforce.com | www.testforce.com | English |
United States | Cyth Embedded | 858-537-1960 | niorders@cyth.com | http://www.cyth.com/ni-distribution | English |
United States | Newark | 800-463-9275 | nisales@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | English |
United States | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Canada | Testforce Canada | 1 (888) 880-6804 X7211 | nisales@testforce.com | www.testforce.com | English & French |
Canada | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Canada | Newark | 800-463-9275 | nisales@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | English |
Mexico | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Mexico | Newark | 800-463-9275 | mexico@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Argentina | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Argentina | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Bahamas | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Bahamas | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Barbados | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Barbados | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Bermuda | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Bermuda | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Bolivia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Bolivia | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Brazil | JAV | (11) 3164-0329; (47) 2101-8000; (11) 99635- | orcamentosnijav@jav.com.br | www.jav.com.br | Portuguese |
Brazil | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Chile | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Chile | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Colombia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Colombia | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Costa Rica | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Costa Rica | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Dominican Republic | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Dominican Republic | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Ecuador | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Ecuador | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
El Salvador | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
El Salvador | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
French Guiana | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
French Guiana | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Guadeloupe | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Guadeloupe | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Guatemala | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Guatemala | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Guyana | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Guyana | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Haiti | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Haiti | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Honduras | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Honduras | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Jamaica | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Jamaica | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Martinique | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Martinique | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Netherlands Antilles | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Netherlands Antilles | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Nicaragua | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Nicaragua | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Panama | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Panama | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Paraguay | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Paraguay | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Peru | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Peru | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Puerto Rico | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Puerto Rico | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Saint Martin (French Part) | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Trinidad and Tobago | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Trinidad and Tobago | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Uruguay | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Uruguay | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Venezuela | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Venezuela | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Virgin Islands, U.S. | Newark | 800-463-9275 | latinamerica@newark.com | https://www.newark.com/b/ni | Spanish, English |
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Information | Website | Language(s) | |
Albania | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Albania | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Albania | Yotta Volt | +30 210 80 61 307 | greece@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Andorra | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Armenia | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | bulgaria@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Austria | Datatec | +49 7121/51 50 50 | info@datatec.de | https://www.datatec.de | German, English |
Austria | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Austria | Farnell | 0662 2180 680 | verkauf.at@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | German |
Belgium | CN Rood | +32 2 467 03 50 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | Dutch, French and English |
Belgium | AR Benelux-NHR Distributor ONLY | +31 172 423 000 | arbeneluxinfo@arworld.us | https://arbenelux.com | Multiple |
Belgium | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Belgium | Farnell | 03 / 475 28 10 (Dutch) & 04/364 55 55 (French) | benelux@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Multiple |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Bulgaria | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Bulgaria | Farnell | 00800 1154487 | info-bg@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Bulgarian |
Bulgaria | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | bulgaria@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Croatia | Digikey | +385 994 146 926 | croatia@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Croatia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Croatia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Cyprus | Yotta Volt | greece@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple | |
Czech Republic | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Czech Republic | Farnell | 800 142 085 | info-cz@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Czech |
Czech Republic | Yotta Volt | +48 51 98 51 415 | czech@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Denmark | CN Rood | +32 2 467 03 50 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | English |
Denmark | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Denmark | Farnell | 44 53 66 44 | salg@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Danish |
Estonia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Estonia | Farnell | 800 0111 280 | info-ee@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Estonian |
Estonia | CN Rood | +46 8 525 028 40 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | English |
Faroe Islands | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Faroe Islands | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Finland | CN Rood | +32 2 467 03 50 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | English |
Finland | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Finland | Farnell | (09) 560 7780 | myynti@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Finnish |
France | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
France | Farnell | 04 72 29 30 01 | ventes@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | French |
France | Equipements Scientifiques | 01 47 95 99 71 | ni@es-france.com | https://www.es-france.com/ | French |
Germany | Datatec | +49 7121/51 50 50 | info@datatec.de | https://www.datatec.de | German, English |
Germany | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Germany | Farnell | 0049 89 61 39 39 39 | verkauf@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | German |
Greece | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Greece | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Greece | Yotta Volt | +30 210 80 61 307 | greece@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Hungary | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Hungary | Farnell | 06 80 016 413 | info-hu@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Hungarian |
Hungary | Yotta Volt | +36 30 277 6930 | hungary@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Iceland | CN Rood | +32 2 467 03 50 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | English |
Iceland | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Iceland | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Ireland | Amplicon | (+44) 01273 608 331 | sales@amplicon.com | https://www.amplicon.com | Multiple |
Ireland | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Ireland | Farnell | 1800 936 198 | ireland-sales@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Italy | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Italy | Farnell | 02 93995200 | vendite@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Italian |
Italy | MeasureIT | (+39) 049 762 5284 | sales.italy@measureit.eu | https://www.measureit.eu/ | Spanish, Portuguese, Italian |
Kosovo | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Kosovo | Yotta Volt | +30 210 80 61 307 | greece@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Latvia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Latvia | Farnell | 8000 3557 | info-lv@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Latvian |
Latvia | CN Rood | +46 8 525 028 40 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | English |
Liechtenstein | Datatec | +49 7121/51 50 50 | info@datatec.de | https://www.datatec.de | German, English |
Liechtenstein | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Liechtenstein | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Lithuania | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Lithuania | Farnell | 80 030 988 | info-lt@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Lithuanian |
Lithuania | CN Rood | +46 8 525 028 40 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | English |
Luxembourg | CN Rood | +32 2 467 03 50 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | French and English |
Luxembourg | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Luxembourg | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Luxembourg | AR Benelux-NHR Distributor ONLY | +31 172 423 000 | arbeneluxinfo@arworld.us | https://arbenelux.com | Multiple |
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Malta | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Malta | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Malta | MeasureIT | (+39) 049 762 5284 | sales.italy@measureit.eu | https://www.measureit.eu/ | Spanish, Portuguese, Italian |
Moldova, Republic of | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Moldova, Republic of | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Moldova, Republic of | Yotta Volt | +40 720 731 973 | romania@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Monaco | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Monaco | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Monaco | Equipements Scientifiques | 01 47 95 99 71 | ni@es-france.com | https://www.es-france.com/ | French |
Montenegro | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Montenegro | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Montenegro | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Netherlands | CN Rood | +31 79 360 00 18 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | Dutch and English |
Netherlands | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Netherlands | Farnell | 030-2417373 | benelux@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Dutch |
Norway | CN Rood | +32 2 467 03 50 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | Norwegian and English |
Norway | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Norway | Farnell | 800 146 70 | bestill@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Norwegian |
Poland | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Poland | Farnell | 800 121 29 67 | info-pl@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Polish |
Poland | Yotta Volt | +48 728 650 185 | poland@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Portugal | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Portugal | Farnell | +34 93 475 88 04 | vendaspt@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Portuguese |
Portugal | MeasureIT | (+35) 1212 387 864 | sales.portugal@measureit.eu | https://www.measureit.eu/ | Spanish, Portuguese, Italian |
Reunion | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Reunion | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Reunion | Equipements Scientifiques | 01 47 95 99 71 | ni@es-france.com | https://www.es-france.com/ | French |
Romania | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Romania | Farnell | 0800 894946 (telekom only) or +44(0) 870 1200 109 | info-ro@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Romanian |
Romania | Yotta Volt | +40 720 731 973 | romania@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Serbia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Serbia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Serbia | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Slovakia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Slovakia | Farnell | 0800 001 332 | info-sk@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Slovakian |
Slovakia | Yotta Volt | +48 51 98 51 415 | slovakia@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Slovenia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Slovenia | Farnell | 0800 80414 | info-si@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Slovenian |
Slovenia | Yotta Volt | NA | slovenia@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Spain | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Spain | Farnell | 93 475 88 05 | ventas@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Spanish |
Spain | MeasureIT | (+34) 972 406 234 | sales.spain@measureit.eu | https://www.measureit.eu/ | Spanish, Portuguese, Italian |
Sweden | CN Rood | +46 85 250 28 40 | ni@cnrood.com | https://www.cnrood.com | Swedish and English |
Sweden | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Sweden | Farnell | 08 730 5000 | sweden-sales@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Swedish |
Switzerland | Datatec | +49 7121/51 50 50 | info@datatec.de | https://www.datatec.de | German, English |
Switzerland | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Switzerland (French) | Farnell | 044 204 64 86 | ventes.ch@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | French |
Switzerland (German) | Farnell | 0049 89 61 39 39 79 | verkauf.ch@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | German |
Ukraine | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Ukraine | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
United Kingdom | Amplicon | (+44) 01273 608 331 | sales@amplicon.com | https://www.amplicon.com | Multiple |
United Kingdom | Caltest-NHR Distributor ONLY | (+44) 01483 302 700 | sales@caltest.co.uk | https://www.caltest.co.uk | English |
United Kingdom | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
United Kingdom | Farnell | 03447 111111 | sales@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Information | Website | Language(s) | |
Australia | Braemac | +61 29550 6600 | ni@braemac.com.au | https://www.braemac.com/ | English |
Australia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Australia | Scientific Devices Pty Ltd (NHR Authorized Distributor) | 395691366 | sales@scientific-devices.com.au | www.scientific-devices.com.au | English |
Bangladesh | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | |
Bangladesh | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Brunei Darussalam | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | |
Brunei Darussalam | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Cambodia | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | |
Cambodia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
China | Beijing Oriental Jicheng Co., Ltd. 北京东方中科集成科技股份有限公司(BOJ)(NHR Authorized Distributor) | 021-56060966 | nicomls@oimec.com.cn | https://www.dfzk.com/ni/ | Chinese |
China | eluomeng/element14 | 800 820 5279 | cn-sales@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | Simplified CN |
China | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
China (Academic) | Beijing Zengyihuichuang (IECUBE) 北京曾益慧创科技有限公司 | 010-5368 6866; 021-55698566 | info@iecube.com.cn | http://www.iecube.com.cn | Chinese |
Fiji | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | http://www.element14.com/ | |
Fiji | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
French Polynesia | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | |
French Polynesia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Hong Kong (Non-Academic) | Beijing Oriental Jicheng Co., Ltd. 北京东方中科集成科技股份有限公司(BOJ) | 021-56060966 | nicomls@oimec.com.cn | https://www.dfzk.com/ni/ | Chinese |
Hong Kong (Academic) | Beijing Zengyihuichuang (IECUBE) 北京曾益慧创科技有限公司 | 010-5368 6866; 021-55698566 | info@iecube.com.cn | http://www.iecube.com.cn | Chinese |
Hong Kong (Academic & Non-Academic) | eluomeng/element14 | 852 22689888 | hk-sales@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Hong Kong (Academic & Non-Academic) | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
India | VVDN (NHR Authorized Distributor) | +91 8884477402 | NI_dist@vvdntech.in | https://www.vvdntech.com https://www.vvdntools.com | Hindi, English |
India | element14 | 1800 108 3888 (toll free), 1800 3000 3888 (toll free) | in-sales@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
India | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Indonesia | PT. Halia Teknologi Nusantara | +62 2185508561 | sales@haliatech.com support@haliatech.com | https://haliatech.com | Indonesian, English |
Indonesia | element14 | +65 6788 0200 | support@haliatech.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | Berhasa Indonesia |
Indonesia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Japan | Nihon Denkei | (03) 5816-8831 | embs-info@n-denkei.co.jp | https://www.n-denkei.co.jp/j-ni | Japanese |
Japan | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | |
Japan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Korea, Republic of | Nubicom | 82 070-7872-0701 | ni_sales@nubicom.co.kr | https://www.nubicom.co.kr | Korean |
Korea, Republic of | element14 | +82 1644 1419 | kr-sales@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | Korean |
Korea, Republic of | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Lao People's Democratic Republic | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Macau | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | |
Macau | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Malaysia | TME Systems Pte Ltd (NHR Authorized Distributor) | +6567477234 | sales@tmesystems.net | https://tmesystems.net/ | English |
Malaysia | Kumpulan Abex Sdn Bhd | +603-51922898 | sales@kabex.com.my | www.kabex.com.my | English, Malay |
Malaysia | element14 | +60 3 5635 0686 | my-sales@element14.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Malaysia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Mongolia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Mongolia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Myanmar | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | sg.element14.com | |
Myanmar | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Myanmar | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
New Caledonia | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | sg.element14.com | |
New Caledonia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
New Zealand | Braemac | +61 29550 6600 | ni@braemac.com.au | https://www.braemac.com/ | English |
New Zealand | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
New Zealand | Scientific Devices Pty Ltd (NHR Authorized Distributor) | 395691366 | sales@scientific-devices.com.au | www.scientific-devices.com.au | English |
Philippines | VRTSystems Corporation | +632 75876781; +632 70914775 | sales.ph@vrtsystems.com | https://vrtsystems.com/ | English |
Philippines | element14 | +65 6593 2492 | ph-sales@element14.com | ph.element14.com | English |
Philippines | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Singapore | TME Systems Pte Ltd (NHR Authorized Distributor) | +6567477234 | sales@tmesystems.net | https://tmesystems.net/ | English |
Singapore | element14 | +65 6788 0200 | sg-sales@element14.com | sg.element14.com | English |
Singapore | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Sri Lanka | element14 | +65 6788 1922 | sg-technical@element14.com | sg.element14.com | |
Sri Lanka | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Taiwan | ULTest Technology 優立測科技 | 886-2-8979-8036 | info@ultest-tech.com | www.ultest-tech.com | Traditional CN, English |
Taiwan | eluomeng/element14 | 886 2 2218 2557 | tw-sales@element14.com | tw.element14.com | Traditional CN |
Taiwan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Tajikistan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Thailand | TME Systems Pte Ltd (NHR Authorized Distributor) | +6567477234 | sales@tmesystems.net | https://tmesystems.net/ | English |
Thailand | Trinergy Instrument Company Limited | +662 6454588 | info@trinergy.co.th | http://www.trinergy.co.th/ | English, Thai |
Thailand | element14 | 001 800658137 | th-sales@element14.com | th.element14.com | Thai |
Thailand | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Viet Nam | Peritec Co., Ltd. (NHR Authorized Distributor) | +84 932529288 | sales@peritec.vn | https://www.peritec.vn/ | English, Vietnamese |
Viet Nam | element14 | +65 6788 0200 | vn-sales@element14.com | sg.element14.com | Vietnamese |
Viet Nam | Digikey | Online only. | https://www.digikey.com |
Location | Distributor Name | Contact Information | Website | Language(s) | |
Algeria | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Algeria | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Algeria | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Angola | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Angola | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Angola | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Armenia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Armenia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Azerbaijan | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Azerbaijan | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Azerbaijan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Bahrain | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Bahrain | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Bahrain | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Benin | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Benin | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Benin | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Botswana | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Botswana | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Botswana | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Burkina Faso | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Burkina Faso | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Burkina Faso | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Cameroon | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Cameroon | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Cameroon | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Cote d'Ivoire | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Cote d'Ivoire | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Cote d'Ivoire | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Cyprus | Yotta Volt | +30 210 80 61 307 | greece@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Cyprus | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Cyprus | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Egypt | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Egypt | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Egypt | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Ethiopia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Ethiopia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Ethiopia | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Georgia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Georgia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Georgia | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Ghana | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Ghana | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Ghana | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Iraq | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Iraq | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Iraq | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Israel | SK Electronika | .+972-3-5493364 | Sales@SK-electronika.com | https://www.sk-electronika.com/ | Hebrew/Arabic/ English/Russian |
Israel | Farnell | 1-809370015 | israel-sales@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Israel | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Jordan | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Jordan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Jordan | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Kenya | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Kenya | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Kuwait | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Kuwait | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Kuwait | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Kazakhsan | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Kazakhstan | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Kazakhstan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Kyrgyzstan | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Kyrgyzstan | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Kyrgyzstan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Lebanon | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Lebanon | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Lebanon | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Malawi | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Malawi | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Malawi | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Mali | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Mali | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Mali | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Mauritius | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Mauritius | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Mauritius | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Mongolia | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Mongolia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Mongolia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Morocco | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | So all the team can see calls and requests | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Morocco | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Morocco | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Mozambique | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Mozambique | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Mozambique | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Namibia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Namibia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Namibia | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Nigeria | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Nigeria | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Nigeria | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Oman | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Oman | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Oman | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Pakistan | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Pakistan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Pakistan | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Palestine | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Palestine | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Palestine | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Qatar | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Qatar | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Qatar | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | bulgaria@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Rwanda | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Rwanda | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Rwanda | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | bulgaria@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Saudi Arabia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Saudi Arabia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Saudi Arabia | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Senegal | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Senegal | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Senegal | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | bulgaria@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
South Africa | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://export.farnell.com/welcome-south-africa | |
South Africa | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
South Africa | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Swaziland | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Swaziland | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Takikistan | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Tanzania, United Republic of | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Tanzania, United Republic of | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Tunisia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Tunisia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Turkmenistan | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Turkmenistan | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Turkmenistan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Turkey | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Turkey | Farnell | 44 870 1200 109 or 00 800 448 826 956 | info-tr@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | Turkish |
Turkey | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Uganda | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Uganda | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Uganda | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
United Arab Emirates | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
United Arab Emirates | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
United Arab Emirates | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | bulgaria@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Uzbekistan | ENOX Teknoloji AS | +90 850 433 6350 | sales@enox.com.tr | https://www.enox.com.tr/ | Turkish |
Uzbekistan | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://www.farnell.com/element14 | English |
Uzbekistan | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com | ||
Yemen | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Yemen | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Yemen | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |
Zambia | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Zambia | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Zimbabwe | Farnell | +44 8701 200 208 | export@farnell.com | https://farnell.com/ | English |
Zimbabwe | Digikey | Online only | https://www.digikey.com/ | ||
Zimbabwe | Yotta Volt | +359 2 979 77 55 | sales@yottavolt.com | https://www.yottavolt.com/ | Multiple |